design Odo Fioravanti, Luca Cancelli Between elegance and accuracy The exact juxtaposition of geometrical profiles creates a shower column with a surprisingly elegant simplicity. This is design with a polished idiom, immediate in its use, and extremely versatile in its capacity to blend into any background. Swing is made of steel, its shower head is […]
design Luca Cancelli A column of pure form Here is the shower’s form in its essence, with an underground water supply that continues alonga precise and minimal steel cylinder. A swivel joint completes and characterises the column’s fluid design, allowing the water jet to be directed as desired. Track has two controls: a deviator switch, […]
design Odo Fioravanti Structure and details with design at the core An outdoor shower as an elegantly solemn presence. The Santa shower head rests directly on its gently sloping bearing rod: an unusual, dynamic and clear-cut design, hinting at the idea of a halo. The structure is made in 316L stainless steel, with details in […]